Advertising agencies have many advantages and benefits, which we hope to enlighten you on in this article in a non-boring way! Like Prince charming learned, not all shoes are the right fit and if you want the fairy-tale that your business deserves, then best you find the right shoe that fits!
So how do we go about finding the right advertising agency?
Data Driven decision making based on research and insights.
As important as it is to find a connection and like the people that you will be working most closely with, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that all decisions are based on watertight research, insights, facts and figures. That doesn’t mean that we become robots, in fact a personality and people skills are a big part of what makes this work! The right advertising agency will do their due diligence in terms of looking at:
- Your target demographic
- Their media consumption habits.
- What networks/stations/timeslots/environments are reaching them most effectively
- What combination of media will work best to achieve your campaign objectives and why?
- Psychographics and behavioural interest targeting
- Audience profiling
- Historical data on previous or comparable results
- Lookalike audiences
- Competitor analysis. What are your competitors spending and when. Why are they spending when they are? What are they spending it on? TV? Radio? OOH? What did they spend or not spend YOY?
- What opportunities exist in market presently?
Getting the best advertising deal and buying right.
If you’re a mechanic and fix cars, your skillset is as such. If you are a doctor, your skillset is as such. There is no point being a jack of all trades and master of none! Don’t try and be that guy that re-plumbs the dishwasher when you’re in IT…now the floor is flooded, and you had to spend the next 2 hrs mopping up your mess! If you need a pacemaker…best get a really good surgeon! Advertising agencies like Adrenalin Advertising have honed their skills after decades of experience, hours and hours of training and study, continued learning and a proven track record. Things in our world evolve at an incredible pace and your only ever as good as your last sale, so never become complacent!
The right advertising agency will be able to:
- Buy the most cost-effective media based on research, insights, data and attribution.
- Have long standing relationships and partnerships with all media suppliers.
- Be able to negotiate the best deal possible based on experience, relationships, volume and share.
- The right advertising agency might even have a lot of experience in your field. For example, Adrenalin Advertising has a lot of experience in working on retail, FMCG, manufacturing, Direct response advertising, shows, expos and concerts.
- Be super competitive on rates based on experience, relationships, volume and partnerships.
Yo! Are you still with us? Just checking…these next few points are important and accompanied with the above, will be sure to take you to the promise land. So, climb aboard, strap your arms and legs inside the agency express to success and Lesssss gooooo!
Let’s be honest, this is the main reason that we advertise. How can we move the needle? The right advertising agency needs to have a relentless and unwavering focus on moving the needle. Sales in business are what make the World go around and it is becoming increasingly more competitive across every industry. How do we stand out in a crowd and how do we compete with the bigger guys who have way bigger budgets?
- Cost effective above the line media to drive search, build brand awareness and drive a strong call to action.
- Integration and sponsorships
- Tactical digital marketing and customer acquisition
- Steadfast database management and remarketing.
- A strong brand image and awareness.
- Most importantly, engaging a well-resourced advertising agency who has all the tools at their disposal to hone in on recognising opportunities, targeting the most cost-efficient mediums and time zones, and recognising weaknesses or opportunities in the “Bigger guys” strategy.
Implementation and Delivery of advertising campaigns.
The best advertising agencies have watertight systems and processes to ensure that they are crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s! After all, that’s what were there for! We need to be superfluous/elite and be a highly efficient extension of your business. Advertising agencies need to have all bases covered.
- Ensuring an elite and detailed briefing process
- Research and insights. What was discovered and what were the learnings of a further deep dive on demographics, competitors, mediums, behavioural interests, interest groups and research data.
- Ensuring a well-oiled buying process based on experience, relationships and industry tools and resources.
- Ensuring that all material and creative deadlines are communicated, agreed upon and instructed with the networks/stations.
- Management and optimisation throughout the campaign. Whether it be traditional or digital marketing, all campaigns need to be thoroughly managed, checked on and optimised to ensure clients are experiencing the best campaign possible. There should be no excuses for failure.
Post Campaign reporting and learnings.
This is one where a lot of advertising agencies fall over and something that we at Adrenalin Advertising pride ourselves on. After all, what is the point of spending all this money to drive a campaign objective if we have no foresight/insight over it, no learnings? Nowhere to go from here? Nope! There must be learnings and there must be a better way forward always!
- We have steadfast systems and processes where we lean into a lot of our resources and automation for reporting. We plug all mediums into our custom reporting system, and it will track and manage all campaigns in real time.
- This gives you real time data and results!
- This gives us a fast and efficient way to track, monitor and optimise all of your campaigns and allows us to change up the strategy to do more of what is working and less of what is not.
- You know what is working and we stay employed, because you can clearly see the results that we are driving.
- Easy to show and report up the line to CMO’s GM’s, CEO’s or Marketing Managers.
- Each report is customised to a certain degree to enable you to see what is most important to you as a business at any given time.
- Reporting enables us to pick up program changes, spot movements, dropped spots, TARP shortfalls, underspends, under deliveries and any other abnormality from what was planned/bought.
- Our reporting gives you fully transparent results in real time and most importantly gives you exactly what you need as a business.
Relationships and Experience.
Your advertising agency should consist of awesome people that you like and want to work with. They should be a natural extension of your business, offer value, experience, expertise and challenge the norm. They should be efficient, reliable, resourceful, respected, renowned and daring. They should fill the gaps and pick up all areas that you fall short. They should be diligent, transparent and most of all have a relentless drive and passion for driving your sales and building your brand.
- Trustworthy
- Experienced
- Reliable, fast and efficient
- Data-driven
- Price focussed and results driven.
- Easy to work with
- Pro-active
- Never become complacent.
- Have long standing relationships with all media suppliers and be able to get you the best deals.
Save time and efficiency in invoicing.
Your advertising agency should save you significant time and, in many cases, not cost you anything extra to engage their services. As a Melbourne based advertising agency, we have over 56 media reps across both traditional and digital media who service us and all of our clients needs. Not all clients, but some that we look after would use 40+ of these suppliers throughout the year. Imagine if you had to manage 40+ relationships yourself? Have 40+ people e-mailing and calling you trying to “sell you something” and then have your accounts department trying to reconcile 40+ individual invoices?
- The right advertising agency, like Adrenalin Advertising will send you 1 simple invoice at the end of the month with all your activity line itemed.
- We save you significant time on phone calls, e-mail replies and filtering and keep you highly focussed on what you do best and where you are needed most.
- We filter all the communication and ensure that we are only communicating on things of relevance or value. We seek and find pro-active opportunities that could give you a competitive edge or buy better.
- We save you time in briefing the networks, filtering and strategy around who and what to buy, check and confirm that everything that is bought is accurate and delivering, send material instructions, optimse, post report and communicate key learnings. We grow and get bigger and better together with data and results.
What makes the best Advertising Agency?
The best advertising agency, deciphered by popular opinion and based on consistent results, drive, commitment and legendary status is Melbourne based agency Adrenalin Advertising. We genuinely give a F#$k and will literally go to the ends of the earth to make sure that our clients are impressed, informed, educated and excelling with an increase in sales and brand awareness. We make you stand out from the crowd; we make it fun, and we make you the best version of yourself possible. A formidable force to be reckoned with, never becoming complacent and never accepting the mediocre. The best advertising agency will:
- Be a natural extension of your business.
- Be a leader in taking your business to the moon when everyone else is in Tasmania.
- Cross your T’s and dot your I’s.
- Pick up the ball before you drop it.
- Recognise market insights, trends, and opportunities ahead of time and relay opportunities of high value.
- Seek compensation for under delivery, dropped spots, cancelled activity or anything that is less than perfectly what we planned, bought and should have delivered.
- Ensure that we are holding accountable to the highest order, research, insights, audience figures, targeting options, impression share and all other KPI’s.
- Ensure that your advertising agency is negotiating significant bonus or added value, tracking audience delivery and optimising all campaigns.
- Ensure that your advertising agency is always efficiently communicating with you and is pro-active as opposed to reactive!
- Make sure that your advertising agency is honest, trustworthy, transparent, and hard working.
- Your advertising agency should provide transparent and detailed reporting.
- Most of all, your advertising agency needs to work. You need results, you need answers, you need forward planning and growth.
- Adrenalin Advertising is one of Australia’s fastest growing advertising agencies for a reason. We care, we understand, we deliver.
Industry Tools and resources
A good Advertising agency will have subscriptions and access to many different research and insight tools that are important to providing businesses with the intel that you need, to make accurate and informed decisions. Some of these industry tools are:
- Roy Morgan Research (Australia’s largest market research company)
- Roy Morgan Helix personas (Classification system for consumer profiling)
- Google Trends
- AdQuest
- Fusion
- TV Map
- Flybuys Shopper data
- SEM Rush
- Lotame
- Nielson Media Data
- KPGM industry Reporting
- ETam
- Census & Australian Bureau of statistics
- Google and Facebook targeting
Now that you have all the information on the benefits of engaging an advertising agency, make sure that you take the time to get to know your new partner and the many benefits and efficiencies that they can provide your business with.